Saturday, March 10, 2012

Entwined In Spirit

Entwined in Spirit
5x7 Oil on Panel

This feels like one of my successes. It is what motivates me to keep trying for one painting a day. If  I can keep it up I expect to have exciting results this time next year. Have you ever heard of what a difference a year makes!?  Also I have an affinity for  the number three. I have two amazing sisters.. and I find significance in the combination of things in threes. Since we have been young adults, I have never been more grateful for the gift of my sisters.. I love the delicate way the roots entwine moving in and out and through each other.  --So explains my title..enjoy!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Study- Grapes with paint brush

Grapes with Paint Brush
8x8 Oil on Panel

This was a study done in a few hours. I am managing to get almost one piece done a day.