Wednesday, December 24, 2014

#10 - Flower Study

#10 - Flower Study

#9 Hide & Seek

#9 - Hide and Seek
This study was done in two fairly quick sessions. It is more about the drawing than color.
I am still playing with lighting to capture the truest representation.

Monday, December 15, 2014

#4 - in process - ultimately scraped

#4 - inprocess
I started this and then it turned really awful.
I like the process photo better than the final (which I scrapped)
The heirloom tomato was ultimately completely out of proportion and very hard to execute. It had that very dark red green color. They taste great, but are a challenge (for me) to paint!

#8 - Cabbage Flower in detail

#8 - Cabbage flower in detail.
So after I was told the French Bouquet (#4).. was not recognizable, I thought I would try a more detailed approach to this subject.
I have to admit that I like it a lot. In the places where I draw into the paint.. I also like, but feel it is cheating somewhat.
Maybe it's the beginning of a certain style for me.. or I need to just paint a lot more so defining edges as done in this piece is not so necessary...

#7 Tonal Study

#6 - This is a value study.
I thought it would be helpful to me to first paint it in trying to see the light/darks.
I did have 2 light sources, which tends to mess with things.. There will be more of these.

#6 - Green apples

 #6 - 6x6 apple study
Another apple study. Truly this is more interesting in real life.
The photography has been a challenge. - I keep trying different lights/lighting.
I will be making that part of the process to fine tune.

#5 - French Bouquet

#5 - French Bouquet
This painting was done in 20 minutes, then I spent more time trying to put some detail into it.
My partner (wife :)).. said she knew what it was, but nobody else might.
I am at that blind stage where I like it and maybe I am not seeing it with objective eyes.
In any case.. I still like it, with the fresh, free and loose strokes ..abstract or not :)!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

#3 - Lone Survivor

#3-Nov 26 2014
The Lone Survivor

Egg shells.. I thought I'd give these a try. Egg shells are so delicate and SO hard to paint. CM had done a demo and of course made it look so easy. I will tackle a new composition, but from where I started I am happy with the progress I made on these. You can at least tell what they are. The rest is just to keep working at it-  and I'll continue on that again tonight! What fun:)

Thursday, November 20, 2014

#2 (of the 100 in 5 month goal)
2 Apples with a knife.
The silver of the silverware is hard to do.
I'll be working on that and continuing to try and see the value.. oh yes.. and the drawing!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

nov 17 2014
POST of  "Apple Study"
this study is done post workshop with Carol Marine..
It was so great and i feel inspired.